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UCFC Health and Safety 2 of 2

2. UCFC Health and Safety



Upper Clapton Football Club


  1. In compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Section 2 (3), the Club will, as far as is reasonably practicable, safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all personnel employed, using or visiting the Club grounds and facilities. Therefore our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees (volunteers and paid workers) and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.
  2. This policy should be read in conjunction with our existing (web site) documentation on the Upper Clapton Football Club:

  • Codes of Conduct for Coaches, Match Officials, Club Officials, Parents, Spectators and Players,
  • Responsibilities of Parents
  • Welfare Policy,
  • Photographic Policy,
  • Equity Policy,
  • Equipment Guidelines,
  • Age Grade Policy,
  • Accident Procedures

  1. The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements to implement the policy are set out below.
  2. The policy will be kept up to date and reviewed as required by business/community/sport/social changes.


  1. The Club is committed to:

  • assessing and providing adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from its activities,
  • consulting with its workers and users on matters affecting their health and safety,
  • providing and maintaining safe equipment for use in pursuance of club activities,
  • ensuring the safe handling and use of substances i.e. COSHH regulations,
  • providing information, instruction and supervision for workers and users where applicable,
  • ensuring all workers and users are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training,
  • providing/ensuring that suitable and sufficient PPE is used where required,
  • maintaining a safe and healthy operating environment; and
  • reviewing and revising this policy as necessary at regular intervals.


  1. The Club President, Chairman, Committee Members, UCFC Officials and all Team Managers and Coaches are responsible for ensuring that;

  • The Club's Health and Safety Policy is implemented and that, as far as is reasonably practicable a safe working environment exists in their areas of operation,
  • The activities carried out in their areas of operation are conducted in such a manner as to minimize the risk to health and safety.

  1. In compliance with Section 7 of the Act all workers, users and visitors have an obligation to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions and co-operate with the Club to enable any such duty to be complied with.

  1. All persons must;

  • Observe all safety rules,
  • Abide by the instructions issued in the interests of minimizing risks to health and safety,
  • Report any hazardous situation to the Club secretary who in turn shall advise the Committee,
  • Co-operate in suggesting to the Club Secretary any improvements that could minimize risks to health and safety.

  1. Day to day responsibility for the implementation of the policy belongs to all members of the UCFC Honorary General Committee.

  1. All individuals have a responsibility to co-operate with the above named persons to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.

  1. Whenever any individual notices a health or safety problem that they cannot put right, they should inform the person named above without delay.


The quarterly UCFC Committee meetings, or any other meeting specifically called to discuss Health & Safety issues, will be the forums for the Head of Facilities to raise any issues relating to Health & Safety. Where issues arise that need immediate resolution it will be the responsibility of the Chairman, the Head

of Facilities and the Honorary Treasurer to authorise remedial action.


UCFC seeks to promote equity and equality through:

  1. Injuries & Accidents:

  • All injuries sustained by players must be handled in line with the UCFC Accident Policy.
  • All other accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book that is held behind the bar in the Clubhouse and reported to the Honorary General Secretary who will be responsible for informing the Local Environmental Health Department where necessary.

  1. Medical Facilities:

  • Each UCFC Squad will be provided with a First Aid Kit as recommended by the RFU and required under current first aid regulations must be provided.
  • The following First Aid Equipment will be stored in the UCFC Clubhouse:

  • Emergency Foil Blankets.
  • Wool Blankets.
  • An Emergency Shelter.
  • Signal Flares.

  • Free access to these facilities and the playing area should be available at all treasonable times.
  • Qualified first aid/medical/medical personnel must be available during training/playing of games/club house opening times and functions.
  • Access for Ambulances must be available at all times.
  • Access to a telephone (landline and/or mobile) must be available at all times.

  1. Playing and Training Areas:

  • All means should be taken to ensure that all areas for playing/training etc are safe and free from dangers and hazards, i.e. pot holes, sharp objects (stones glass), animal waste, uneven surfaces, puddles of water etc

  1. Playing Equipment:

  • All training/playing equipment is fit for the purpose and does not constitute a danger to anyone using it, i.e. scrum machines are maintained and serviced regularly and hold a current safety certificate.
  • Tackle bags/contact pads & suits, post protectors are all in good condition and must be suited to a player's size and ability.
  • Marker flag poles should flex on impact with no sharp edges, goalposts should be padded.
  • All equipment should be checked prior to training sessions and matches.

  1. Playing Development:

  • The teaching/coaching or playing development of players as well as the refereeing of the game of Rugby Football must be carried out under all RFU rules, regulations and directives. Careful consideration as to the age and ability of players must be taken when introducing or developing any contact skill or situation.
  • Coaches MUST NOT ASK OR ALLOW any adult or youth to take part in or help in training, playing or fun sessions of any kind, organized by the Club, who does not have the relevant qualification, training or club's authorization to do so.

  1. Ground Equipment:

  • All ground equipment (tractors, mowers etc) and ground supplies (seed fertilizer etc) are stored in a dedicated and secure area. Signs displaying " Hazard Keep Of" should also be displayed.

  1. Clubhouse and Storage Areas:

  • Any dangerous or hazardous areas identified, must be cordoned off and clearly signed and quickly rectified.
  • Emergency exits clearly identified and kept free, storage areas satisfactorily secured, fire extinguishers clearly visible and marked.

General Fire Safety:
  • All escape routes will be checked on a regular basis by UCFC head of facilities
  • All fire extinguishers will be checked for availability and interference on an annual basis.
  • Staff training in what to do in the event of fire will be carried out by Honorary General Secretary


5.1. All workers will receive training necessary to ensure that they are able to do their jobs safely.

  1. The people responsible for such training are the respective heads of each department.


  1. All contractors must report to the Head of Facilities or nominated deputy before commencing any work.

  1. Before any work is carried out the contractor/visitor will be warned of any known hazards they are likely to encounter.

  1. The contractor/visitor must warn the Head of Facilities or nominated deputy of any work that may pose a hazard to anyone else

  1. On completion of any work the Head of Facilities or nominated deputy must be notified before the contractor leaves the premises.


  1. The workplace risk assessments identify the known hazards and control measures required to reduce, to an acceptable level, the risk of injury from those hazards. All staff must follow the measures laid down

  1. General Fire Safety it is the responsibility of all committee members and staff they should familiarize them selves with the fire precautions in case of the need to evacuate the building.

  1. Fire exits should remain unlocked at all times when the building is occupied.

  1. Fire extinguishers should be checked regularly and all staff and committee are responsible for knowing how they operate

  1. Any irregularities or non operational equipment should be reported to a general committee member


The Health and Safety Policy and relevant Risk Assessment will be reviewed as and when changes in policy or current situations pertaining to health and safety dictate such a review and at least annually.

This document is signed by the Honorary General Secretary & The Chairman of Upper Clapton Football Club for and on behalf of the general committee.

Signed: Signed:

Name:Steve Slade Kevin Hewitt-Devine
Position:Chairman General Secretary