Work started on our new All Weather Pitch on Monday morning despite the snow and freezing conditions. Greenfields Contractors arrived before 8 am on Monday morning delivering the excavators and dumpers.
First priority was to install the essential Newt fencing to prevent our precious reptiles from straying across the frozen training pitch and onto the hazardous construction site.
Construction is programmed for completion in seven weeks
The new synthetic grass (3G) pitch will be 66metres x 33 metres and provide three cross court pithes divided by nets with inset goals plus additional goals at the ends to enable play length ways as well.
The surface complies with the RFU specification for Rugby training and be fitted with a rubber shock pad. The surface is also suitable for football and will be available for hire when not in use for Club training sessions.
The AWP, fencing and new floodlighting will cost a little over £270,000 and is funded by Grants from the RFU, Epping Forest DC., Essex CC., Sport England and UCFC Club funds.
The facilities are due for completion by the middle of May and available for hire from June. For enquiries please contact Mike Harris (01992 571000) Steve Slade, Paul Donnelly.